Why do Cats Bite?
Scene: You and your cat kid are snuggling on the couch. You’re gently petting them, and they’re calm and purring. Suddenly they turn around and bite you. Why do some cats bite when you pet them? And if a cat bites you, what does it mean? Read on to learn more about this feline phenomenon. ... read more
Why do Cats Hiss?
Purring. Playing. Hissing. If you live with cats, you’ve most likely experienced all three behaviors — sometimes at the same time. But what does it mean when a cat hisses? Read on to learn more about why cats hiss — and what you can do about it. ... read more
Introducing Cats to Other Animals
Dream: living in a harmonious, pet-filled home. Reality: experiencing possible destructive behaviors if you introduce your cats too quickly. Are you introducing a new cat to a multi-cat household or wondering how to introduce your cat to a new dog? Read on for tips on how to make the transition as smooth as possible. ... read more
Why do Cats Sleep so Much?
From middle-of-the-night zoomies to clacking at birds, cats do a lot of distinctively feline things. Another one of those things: sleeping a lot. But why do cats sleep a lot? Is it normal for cats to sleep all day? And what does it mean when your cat sleeps near you? Read on for more info. ... read more
Why do Cats Knead?
People knead dough. Cats knead blankets — and people. Cat kneading, also known as cats making biscuits, is a common behavior trait in cat kids. But what does it mean when a cat is kneading, and what does it mean when a cat kneads you? Read on to learn more. ... read more
Cats and Hairballs
Managing hairballs doesn’t need to be a full-time job. But if you’re a cat parent, you’ve probably dealt with them. While long-haired cats may get hairballs more regularly, short-haired and medium-haired cats are also susceptible. ... read more