Sustainability & Cat Litter

When thinking of sustainability, cat litter may not come to mind. But at Naturally Fresh, sustainability has been at the top of our minds since we began creating our eco-friendly cat litter in 2009. What does that look like? ... read more

Animal Shelters and Naturally Fresh:

The Humane Society estimates that there are approximately 3,943 animal shelters and 10,000 animal rescues in the U.S., and 3.2 million cats entering those shelters and rescues annually. And while they’re waiting to be adopted, those cat kids need lots of multi-cat litter boxes — and the cat litter to fill them. That’s where Naturally Fresh comes in. Read on to learn how. ... read more

Cat Grooming 101: Do cats need baths?

Cats are known for their meticulous grooming methods, thanks to their sandpaper-like tongues and penchant for hours of leisurely downtime. So should you give your cat a bath? And if so, how often do you need to bathe your cat? Read on to learn more. ... read more

Cat Kids, Weight Issues, and Solutions

Though your cat kid’s feral cousin burns a lot of calories roaming miles of woods and hunting prey outside, your cat may be content to lounge more and exercise less. While this behavior is typical of indoor cat kids, it can also lead to obesity if they’re not eating healthy portions of nutritious food or getting enough playtime. ... read more

Cats and Human Food:

When it comes to feeding your cat kid, you want the best for them, and you also want to make sure that the food they try to sneak off your plate won’t harm them. So, what can cats eat besides cat food? Are there healthy human foods cats can eat? Are there human foods cats cannot eat? When it comes to holiday meals ... read more

Cat Care Tips for Healthy Nails, Skin, and Hair

Cat nail trimming. Flea control for cats. Long-haired cat care. When it comes to your cat kids, the health of their nails, skin, and hair is just as important as other types of preventative care. Wondering how to trim a cat’s nails? Curious about how to get rid of fleas on cats? Want to know more about grooming long-haired cats? Read on for tips on keeping your cat kid healthy from head to paws. ... read more